
Cloud for agility and scale

Public clouds have enabled agility and helped avoid large upfront capex to companies by shifting to opex models.

Public clouds have enabled agility and helped avoid large upfront capex to companies by shifting to opex models.

Design Software for Cloud

TechMojo believes software needs to be designed for cloud to be able to avail full benefits. TechMojo architects the platform and products to benefit from such cost optimizations through public cloud and incorporates related stack like Kubernetes in the tech stack by design. Also, a design consideration is the ability to scale in short period of time, often in an automated fashion, without having to incur upfront capex and huge manual effort.

Cloud migrations

TechMojo also gained deep expertise in re-engineering services for cloud by migrating legacy applications to cloud. In 2022, TechMojo completed migration of 72 legacy services of a marketplace provider from the USA to AWS native stack that includes ECS, Fargate and CloudWatch for autoscaling and improved reliability.

Containerize the applications

Embracing cloud native applications is a much-debated topic and has its costs associated with migration of legacy application. As an alternative, TechMojo optimized costs and retained flexibility for its clients by avoiding vendor lock-ins and leveraging cloud benefits via containerization. Containerization on one hand simplified deployments by carrying dependencies along, on the other hand it optimized the infrastructure costs via VM workload density and autoscaling

Further containerization leveraged elasticity of public cloud infrastructure to scale the service capacities without manual intervention, thus reducing turnaround time and human cost in operations management. TechMojo enabled a European media client for autoscaling using containerization that the number of pods during the peak hour window compared to off-peak is 4x and that enabled significant cost savings as pods are spawned as traffic scaled.